Spatium6: An Innovative Flooring Solution for New Age Offices
Published on 10 March 2021, 05:07:33 AM
Design is a powerful tool when it comes to influencing people’s behavior. It can help create a new flow of working and networking, as the new normal is set to take the floor. The subsequent country-wide lockdown has brought with it new challenges for businesses and corporations in restarting daily operations. As the nation now prepares itself to unlock, the need for safe workspaces is the need of the hour.
Reimaging Flooring Solution for new-age office
As the floor opens up for offices to start operations, it also makes space for many new norms. And for the workforce to feel safe, all necessary changes will have to be implemented. Tactical solutions will have to be adapted to make every working space a ‘No Touch’ office.
Introducing Spatium6
To adhere to the new norms of safety and social distancing between employees, Welspun Flooring's Spatium6 flooring solution brings to you an innovative flooring solution that can be implemented in every office space. With flooring designs via patterns and layouts that nudge people into reorienting their movements, it ensures all measures are taken to keep the space safe and healthy to work in.
Implementing hygienic flooring solutions, surgical intervention with clear visual floor markers, unidirectional pathways, and safe distance zones around workstations will guide employees to work seamlessly in this new norm.

Any organization could face challenges with on-ground operations, and it’s the signs and demarcations that help minimize the hurdles and ease the movement of employees. New-age workstations and offices will now be redesigned around key aspects – Gesture, Voice and Feet Touch
Some office rituals will have to be reshaped as per the new norm. Like the use of fingerprint scanners to check in and check out. These can be replaced with vision sensors that also do the same job but without the need of touching any surface. Talking about minimizing touch, all entry and exit points in an office premise will also need an upgrade. The use of doorknobs and handles will have to be restricted, and instead, sensors should be installed to ensure zero contact.
Another norm to keep in mind; is a no-touch routine temperature check of employees. It’s safe to say that this requires no human contact and has to be a mandate across offices, and public places as well.
Any office space is incomplete without the shenanigans that happen in the cafeteria. And as standard hygiene measures are taken to keep this area clean, a few additions that can make it a safer place. Starting with the use of disposable cups. And with some tech upgrades, offices can have voice-enabled coffee machines. These simple amends can turn the cafeteria and the office into a touch-free zone, making it a safe working environment for everyone.
Feet Touch
By now, we are certain that there are ways and means to minimize the role of touch in offices. Safety should be the top priority, even if it comes down to using the feet.
With just a few tweaks in the mechanism, doors, garbage cans, and taps can be operated with help of the feet. In fact, many countries have started implementing such innovations in public washrooms, food chains, and supermarkets. Innovative flooring solutions and hygiene norms are an effective way to ensure every workspace becomes a ‘No Touch’ office.
Innovations like the Spatium6 flooring solution are fundamental to the evolution of the workplace, a part of the grand redesign. While there’s always room for new ideas, with the Spatium6 flooring solution there is a certain amount of friction that comes with the creation of a ‘new normal’ working environment. But at the end of the day, it’s safety that matters.