Here are some clever tips on how to plan your home renovation
Published on 08 June 2022, 12:07:56 PM

Anyone who has ever remodelled their house will tell you how daunting home renovations can be. There are a gazillion things that demand your attention at the same time. On top of that, you need to ensure the home renovation project is going smoothly as per the timeline you predicted and well within the budget. Between choosing the right materials and hiring the right professionals to do the job, there's a lot that goes into planning your home renovation.
In this blog, we answer the most common question that plagues the mind of homeowners looking to remodel their homes – How to plan your home renovation?
Know Your End Goal
While it's tempting to start dreaming about the new colours you want for your walls or replacing old furniture with new ones, you should be more specific than that. When thinking of how to plan your home renovation, start by ascertaining how extensively you want to renovate? Do you want to demolish and rebuild a part of your home or just rethink the existing model? It helps to create a sketch or blueprint of your finished project to get an idea of what your house would look like after the renovation.
Have A Budget
When you are making a list of how to plan your home renovation, having a budget becomes a pivotal part of renovation planning. When you know how much you can afford to spend, you can narrow it down to choices that fit within the range. This helps you focus and prioritise the essential renovation tasks first. Remember to include the cost of building materials, labour, costs for permits, decorations and cosmetic touches in your financing. Lastly, it's wise to add a contingency fund should any unexpected costs crop up.

Hire Professionals
Another important component while considering how to plan your home renovation project is building your team. Nothing slows down a home remodelling project more than the confusion of who is responsible for what. It’s best to distinguish the DIY tasks from the ones where you’d require professional help. Once that is out of the way, start looking at contractors for the renovation you need. Compare the top contractors in your area, ask for references and look at their credentials before you choose the best one for your project.
Build a Project Timeline
When considering how to plan your home renovation, consulting your calendar becomes essential. If your end goal is a brand-new home that requires a lot of time for renovation, decide when you want the project to finish. Then you can work backwards and ascertain the date by which you should begin. Break this down further and allocate an approximate time by when each room should be ready. Keep some wiggle room for delays in permits, unexpected weather and the likes.
Prepare for Home Improvement
Once you are done with the planning stage, it’s time to prepare your home and make plans to avoid using the room while it’s being worked upon. For instance, if you are looking to renovate the master bedroom, ensure that you store the furniture somewhere else and find temporary sleeping arrangements. Redoing your kitchen? Have a separate place to cook and eat so it does not come in the way of the labour workers.
Final Thoughts
If you find yourself wondering about how to plan your home renovation, we hope the above-mentioned tips can be of use. Remember, having a good and detailed renovation plan is half the battle won. Know when you need to hire a professional and what you can DIY. For instance, if you wish to revamp your flooring, you will most likely require a trustworthy and certified professional. Enter Welspun Flooring.
We at Welspun Flooring offer a wide range of flooring options for commercial, residential and office spaces. Have a look at our extensive flooring choices from carpet tiles and Artificial grass to Click-N-Lock Tiles and Wall to Wall Carpets. We stay on top of the latest designs and trends when it comes to colours, shades and textures. Our products are long-lasting and easy to install. Get in touch with our sales team to choose the one that fits your lifestyle needs and budgetary requirements.